Intuitive Energy Healing

I work with universal healing energy to help you shift specific symptoms, states, or questions. These are distance sessions, delivered to you in real time, wherever you are in the world. During these sessions, we will channel images, messages, and after-care prescriptions (tailored especially for you by your guides) to empower you to heal and grow through whatever you’re facing.

“Since the session I have felt so different, like in a different space. Something has softened in me and my heart is just a lot happier.”


Come Home / 50 mins / £60 ✨

The go-to for when you need an energy reset, or want to work on a particular issue. Clearing and balancing for your whole energy system. These sessions identify, work with and heal blockages in your field.

The energy work lasts 30-40 minutes, followed by integration via voice notes of any channeled messages, images, spirit prescriptions, or other information transmitted.


  • Send your payment via Square and then use the contact form to send me a message with your contact info. Sessions will be scheduled within 24 hours of receiving payment.

Why it's great

1. Convenient: Receive healing wherever you are - ideally from a cosy pile of pillows in your own bed.

2. Powerful: Your session is personal to your energy field and the issues you want to work on. It can reveal, variously: the root causes of symptoms; helpful practices and remedies; areas of blockage and how to clear them.

3. Holistic: Distance healing encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. The subtle energies restore balance, alleviate discomfort, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

4. Individualized Approach: Each session is tailored to you, guided by what your higher self chooses to reveal - there may be cord cutting, womb healing, entity clearing, heart healing - it depends on what you’re showing up with. The healing space is one that's dedicated entirely to you.

5. Results: Sessions can alleviate and stop pain, identify and break behavioral patterns, reduce anxiety, regulate the nervous system, boost the immune system.