Tarot Consults

I’ve been studying the tarot since 2017. My main rule is that tarot can’t tell you anything about the future, because you are creating it through the present, and it is always shifting. Be very wary of anyone who tells you they can see your future.

Tarot is a great tool for reading the present, and the immediate futures that you are creating through it. It can help you see through to deeper layers of your thoughts and emotional processes, relationship dynamics, and help you work through decisions.

What tarot is for: giving you “a-ha” moments and valuable insights into your feelings, unconscious impulses, and relationship dynamics.

What tarot is not for: telling the future!

Thoth Life Reading / 20 mins / £20 ✨

An overview of where you’re at - great for when you don’t have a specific question. For specific questions, we may choose a different spread for you.